Service Area: Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Stafford and Ladysmith.

October is not the time to stop working on your lawn and landscape. As we have said before, the opposite is true. October is an ideal month to care for your yard.

Here are several essential jobs that you don’t want to overlook. Complete these and reap the rewards.

1.    Overseeding your lawn
2.    Fertilizing your lawn
3.    Aerating your lawn
4.    Top Dressing your lawn


The following chores should also be done to help your lawn survive through the winter.

1.    Mow your lawn shorter in late fall, about 2 3/4”-3”.
2.    Repair and seed bare spots in your lawn. Bare spots allow weeds to move in and take over.
3.    Rake fallen leaves at regular intervals. Don’t let them pile up on the grass and cause problems.


Add color to your fall landscape.

1.    Plant fall flowers, perennials, and trees. The soil is still warm and the cooler weather provides perfect growing conditions.
2.    Plant spring blooming bulbs when the weather turns cooler.


Water! Water! Water!

The growing season is slowing down, but it has not stopped. Your lawn and garden still need water to remain healthy. It is especially important to water if you seeded or fertilized. Neither of these applications will be as successful without watering. If Grass Roots fertilized or seeded your lawn, please follow the aftercare instructions you received. In fact, you should water your landscape periodically until the ground freezes. If you have put all the time, effort and expense into beautifying your landscape, please make sure you do the follow up required. Give your grass and plants enough water to grow and stay healthy.

We are excited about fall and ready to help you in any way we can. Ask us about your own DIY project or let us do the work for you.
Contact us.

Thank You for choosing Grass Roots.