Grass Roots March Newsletter
After a very mild winter, the 3rd warmest on record, spring is almost here. The official first day of Spring this year is Monday, March 20th. We do wish we had a few snow days this year. What about you? Nevertheless, we are looking forward to spring, a fresh new...
Grass Roots January Newsletter
Wishing you a very Happy 2023! We hope your year is filled with love, good health, generosity, kindness, peace and much happiness. Thank you for supporting our small family-owned business. Dana, Chris, our staff and crew members appreciate your loyalty, and we are...
Grass Roots October Newsletter
October is not the time to stop working on your lawn and landscape. As we have said before, the opposite is true. October is an ideal month to care for your yard. Here are several essential jobs that you don’t want to overlook. Complete these and reap the rewards....
Grass Roots September Newsletter
A beautiful lawn in the Spring requires preparation in the Fall Fall is the best time of year to revive your lawn with its cooler temperatures and ideal growing conditions. There are many lawn care tasks that work best when completed in the fall. These services...
Grass Roots April Newsletter
April is a great time of year to take care of lawn and garden tasks that will refresh your yard for spring. Here are two important items: Fertilize Everyone would like a fast “green -up” of their lawn. Fertilizer is a way to achieve that attractive green color and...
Grass Roots March Newsletter
It’s time to “Spring Forward” to a Beautiful Lawn Spring is here. Many people, including us, are looking forward to getting outside and sprucing up the yard. We have some information and tips that will have you on your way to a healthy green lawn. Soil Testing Along...
Grass Roots January Newsletter
Happy New Year! We wish you the best of everything this year, health, love, happiness, and prosperity. Thank you for supporting our small family-owned business. We appreciate your continued loyalty and look forward to serving you throughout 2022. We are committed to...
Grass Roots December Newsletter
… And all of a sudden, it’s December. The holidays will be here very soon. Before you get caught up in the festivities there are a few lawn and garden chores you should do before winter arrives. Prepare Equipment and Tools for Winter Storage Following the...
Grass Roots September Newsletter
The hot, humid summer days will soon be a memory. The refreshing, crisp, cooler days of autumn are right around the corner. As we have said before, fall is the best time to repair, restore, and nourish your landscape. It is the ideal time for fertilizer, aeration,...
Fall Army Worms
Our entire area is seeing a Fall Army Worm Invasion. These “worms” are the larvae (caterpillar) stage of the Fall Army Worm Moth. They have taken Virginia by storm and surprise. The FAW does not normally come up this far north. It is thought that tropical storms and...
Grassroots August Newsletter
Welcome to another hot, sticky August in Virginia. We are all feeling the heat, and so is your lawn. Here are a few tips to help your lawn through the last month of Summer. Summer Lawn Tips Most lawns in our area are Tall Fescue, a cool season grass. It does not do...
Grassroots June Newsletter
Out of Sight...Out of Mind That expression may be the root cause of problems for many landscapes. It is always best to know what is going on in the soil underneath your grass and plan accordingly. Be proactive. Think back to the condition of your lawn over the last...
Grass Roots May Newsletter
Mowing Tips for your Tall Fescue Lawn Most of the lawns in the Stafford, Spotsylvania, and Fredericksburg area are tall fescue grass. Tall fescue is a cool season grass. It grows well in the cooler weather of fall and spring. Optimum growth occurs at temperatures...
Grass Roots March Newsletter
Spring is on the way! It’s the time of year when we start thinking about healthy green lawns, beautiful spring flowers and enjoying time outside in the yard. Grass Roots wants to help you achieve those spring dreams. Spring Lawn Clean Up After a long, cold winter your...
Grass Roots January Newsletter
Happy New Year 2021 Finally, we can put 2020 behind us. We are looking forward to a much better year ahead. Thank you for supporting our small business in 2020. We are committed to continue listening, improving and to raising the bar for 2021. We appreciate your...
Grass Roots December Newsletter
December already! The holidays are just a few weeks away. Since we are spending more time at home, why not give a gift to your lawn. The following ideas will improve the health and appearance of your lawn, which in turn enhances the beauty of your home and increases...
Grass Roots November Newsletter
Time seems to be passing quickly. We are already heading into the last month of fall. The holiday season will be here very soon. There are still a few "chores" to do in your yard and garden before you put it to bed for the winter. If you have any questions or would...
Grass Roots October Newsletter
Fall has arrived and so has the best time of year to take care of your lawn and landscaping. We have talked about why it is such a good time to rejuvenate your lawn and soil at this time of year. But did you know that Fall is also the perfect time for planting trees,...
Grass Roots September Newsletter
We can soon say goodbye to the heat and humidity of the past few months. Most of us are looking forward to some relief, especially for our lawns. This summer we had record-breaking heat in July and record-breaking rain in August. Our lawns have been severely stressed...
Grass Roots August Newsletter
We are in the middle of the “Dog Days of Summer.” The term refers to the period from about July 3rd – August 11th. It is the hottest time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Our area has high temperatures and very humid weather. The expression dates back to...
Watering your Tall Fescue Lawn
Summertime! Just when we most want our lawns to be thick, lush and green for outdoor activities, Mother Nature has other plans. She hits us with high temperatures, drought conditions, turf diseases, weeds and insects. Grass growth slows and thins, color fades and many...
Grass Roots May Newsletter
So far this Spring has been cooler than normal. The cooler temperatures and rainfall have been good for the grass and the beautiful blooming trees and plants. Now is a perfect time to step outside and enjoy your yard. Mulch Application Mulch is an important and...
A message for our customers concerning COVID-19
A Message for our Customers Dear Grass Roots Customers, During this time of uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic we want you to know that the health and safety of our employees and customers is our top priority. Because of the rapidly evolving situation we are...
Grass Roots March Newsletter
Its Time to "Spring Forward" to a Beautiful Lawn Spring is almost here. Many people, including us, are looking forward to getting outside and sprucing up the yard. It is a great time to perform the lawn and garden tasks that will have you on your way to a beautiful...
Grass Roots February Newsletter
We are going through a cold spell right now but overall we have had an unseasonably mild winter so far. Many of you are happy with the warmer temperatures but some of you are like us and anxiously waiting for our first good snowfall. Winter Outlooks from 4 local news...
Grass Roots January Newsletter
Happy New Year! 2020 - A new beginning, the start of a new year and a new decade. Did you make a New Year’s Resolution? We didn’t make a resolution this year, but we did set a goal to improve the customer experience for you. We value you as our customer and are...
Grass Roots December Newsletter
Time seems to be flying by. It’s hard to believe that December is already here and the holidays are coming up quickly. Before you get caught up in the festivities, there are a few lawn and garden chores you should do before winter. Watering The last tool you should...
Fall Leaf Removal & Lasagna Gardening
Fall Leaf Removal Fall leaves are beautiful on your trees, not so much on your lawn. Aesthetics aside, a thick layer of un-shredded leaves left on top of your grass over the winter can cause problems for the health and growth of your lawn. They become an impenetrable,...
Mowing your Tall Fescue Lawn
Most of the lawns in the Stafford, Spotsylvania, and Fredericksburg area are tall fescue grass. Tall fescue is a cool season grass. It grows well in the cooler weather of fall and spring. Optimum growth occurs at temperatures between 65° – 80°. Growth slows or stops...
Spring Yard Clean-up
This is the time of year to do some Spring Cleaning. Many of us enjoy deep cleaning our homes in the spring, letting in bright sunshine and fresh air after the cold, wet winter. Now is also a great time to Spring Clean your yard. The weather is warming up, the grass...