This is the time of year to do some Spring Cleaning. Many of us enjoy deep cleaning our homes in the spring, letting in bright sunshine and fresh air after the cold, wet winter. Now is also a great time to Spring Clean your yard. The weather is warming up, the grass is starting to grow, and the flowers are blooming. Let’s get outside and get things cleaned up so we can enjoy time in our yards.
Here is a check list of basic yard maintenance items you will want to take care of:
1. Survey the exterior of your home and property. Make note of any repairs needed, items to be cleaned or landscaping jobs that need to be completed.
2. Clear away lawn debris and trash. Remove leaves, fallen branches, animal waste and other items that don’t belong.
3. Rake up and remove dead grass and excess thatch.
4. Remove standing water. If left, standing water can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
5. Prune trees and shrubs of dead or damaged branches. Do not completely prune spring flowering plants and trees at this time of year. Only cut away damaged areas. If you have a question about a specific tree or shrub, please contact us.
6. Clean up flower beds. Clear out leaves, twigs, damaged or dead plants and old faded mulch. Define and neaten the edges of the beds.
7. Check for plant heaving. This occurs when plants are forced upward out of the ground by the freeze/thaw cycle. If this happens, gently tamp the plant back down. Then re-cover the roots with soil and mulch.
8. Divide and trim perennial ornamental grasses. Ask us if you have a question about your particular plant.
9. Plant. Add beautiful color to your landscape with new spring flowers, trees, and shrubs.
10. Add fresh mulch. Place mulch 2-3 inches deep around your plants, but do not put the mulch up against the trunk or stems. Mulch helps limit the amount of weeds that come up. Mulch also gives your property a finished appearance.
11. Evaluate the condition of your yard. Is your grass thin, has bare spots, not green or filled with weeds? We suggest you start with a soil test to find out what nutrients your soil needs to grow healthy, thick grass.
12. Nourish your lawn. A spring fertilizer feeding promotes strong color and increases root development. Use lesser amounts of fertilizer in the spring.
13. Control weeds. The best defense against weeds is a thick, healthy lawn. Do not mow your lawn shorter than 3 inches. Very short grass is easily taken over by weeds. This is the time of year to apply a pre-emergent fertilizer with crabgrass prevention. A second weed control application may be needed later in the spring to control late germinating weeds. You can also use a post emergent to kill the existing weeds.
14. Address bare spots in the lawn. Bare areas in your lawn are an invitation for weeds to quickly fill in the spot. Add grass seed and keep moist. New seed and herbicides don’t mix. The herbicide will not allow the seed to germinate. If you do use a herbicide wait 30 days before you plant grass seed. Contact us if you have any questions.
15. Check out your irrigation system. Make sure it is in working order.
16. Perform mower maintenance.
17. Check and clean all lawn equipment and tools.
18. Consider washing or power washing. Clean outdoor areas and surfaces. Also clean your grill and patio furniture.
19. Contact Grass Roots Lawn and Landscaping if you have any questions about caring for your lawn and garden.
20. Enjoy the Spring season outdoors in your yard.